This is the most complete varnish removal and prevention system on the market. It removes oxidation by-products and prevents varnish formation during the cooldown.
Varnish is a common problem for many hydraulic fluids and lubricants, especially in turbine and plastic injection moulding applications. It results in:
The long fibre cellulose / PP cartridges in this system are specially designed to remove varnish by-products dissolved in the fluid. These cartridges adsorb polar acids through special compacted fibres, creating an intricate internal flow path.
Unlike other technologies, the cartridges do not add water to the fluid. They REMOVE water and other solid contaminants.
A recent case study shows how our new system quickly removed varnish in a plastic injection moulding machine. Download Case Study.
Don't let varnish compromise your equipment, and implement our varnish removal and prevention system for peak machinery performance today!
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0448 901 774
Address: Unit 5, 2 Maiella Street
Stapylton QLD 4207